Restoring 4 U

Secret To Life

Your Mitochondria Is Just As

Important As Air, Food And Water.

Mitochondria is an organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner layer being folded inward to form layers.

In the simplest of terms, mitochondria is our ‘ever ready’ battery. Mitochondria turns sugars and glycogen into ATP, which is the usable energy within a cell. This is why they are considered the power plant for all human, animal, and plant life; playing an essential role in providing the energy needed for cellular function and biological processes.

Without mitochondria, higher animal species might not exist. They are central to the maintenance of life. If our cells only obtained energy from anaerobic respiration (in the absence of oxygen), it would be like trying to function in a room without enough oxygen.

Mitochondria is also responsible for regulating our cellular metabolic activity and promoting stem cell multiplication and cell growth.

As important as mitochondria is to human functioning, when NAD+ is supplemented with mitochondria, there are tremendous benefits. NAD+ is a critical coenzyme found in every cell in our body. It turns nutrients into energy and drives crucial metabolic processes by regulating cellular function directly supporting the mitochondria.

Since the 1970s, scientists have been discovering that many chronic conditions actually begin in cells that aren’t metabolising effectively. Many of these mitochondrial-based diseases can be treated with NAD+.

When our NAD+ levels are in order, our cells are protected against both impaired mitochondrial function and oxidative stress.

Introduction To MoreMito Founder

Mysteries Unveiled

Gain clarity on why Mitochondria is so important to human life from the perspective of nutritional formulators, scientists and medical professionals. For example, people experienced a wide divergence in their response to Covid-19, making it appear as a combination of different diseases.

Learn why it all comes down to how the health of the mitochondria is at the heart of an untold number of health challenges.

Use Cases

One very important ‘skill set’ of mitochondria is Stem Cell Regulation. Recent findings reveal that mitochondria fulfill the intensive energy demanded for wound repair and aid wound closure by cytoskeleton remodeling.

Rashes happen for many reasons; a simple rash is called dermatitis, meaning inflammation of the skin. They can also result from bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic infections. Mitochondria play a central role in proinflammatory signaling and immune response, thus are essential for the control of inflammation and blocking viruses and bacteria.

NAD+ converts glucose into cellular energy, assisting the mitochondria in reducing inflammation.

A study in Science Advances found that mitochondria may also serve as microscopic lenses, helping to focus light on the photoreceptor pigments that convert light into neural signals for the brain to interpret.

Mitochondria are foundational for brain health, positioned within dendrites serving a local neighborhood of synapses. Furthermore, they are essential for synaptic plasticity – a mechanism important for memory formation. Concurrently, increasing NAD+ levels can support the mitochondria’s energy production triggering cognitive improvement.

In addition to helping our body repair itself during sleep, mitochondria also influences our body’s sleep/wake cycles. It has been shown that sleep and wakefulness can affect changes in mitochondrial gene expression. NAD+ also helps generate energy within our cells and regulate the circadian rhythm by shifting electrons from one molecule to another.

When you put a high demand on your cells — such as lifting heavy objects — a higher density of mitochondria means your cells will be able to give you the needed energy more quickly. The more ATP your working muscles have, the longer, stronger, and more efficiently they can perform. The more mitochondria you have, the more ATP and energy you can produce.

Research And Development

Significance of NAD and ATP

It is meaningful to understand the significance of NAD and ATP in any conversation about mitochondria. NAD is needed to generate cellular energy. It helps with regulating our mitochondrial by oxidising sugars and fats to produce the energy store ATP. As sugars and fats are broken down, they pass on their stored energy to NAD+ and convert it to NADH. As such, this coenzyme, found in all living cells, is fundamental to our overall state of health.


NAD has two forms, oxidized and reduced, distinguished as NAD+ and NADH (the H standing for Hydrogen). The balance between oxidation and reduction in our cells is called the NAD+/NADH ratio. They are essential and directly assist in the production of ATP by our mitochondria.


NAD+ has numerous biological functions in the body that directly impact our lifespan, not the least of which is acting as a communication system for DNA repair, maintaining our telomeres, generating energy, and maintaining our metabolism. It is the main carrier of electrons in the energy-producing processes that take place in a cell’s mitochondria.

NADH Primary Electron Donor

NADH is the primary electron donor for mitochondria and is the delivery system for hydrogen, transferring it from molecule to molecule. Given it has the ability to harness energy from glucose and amino acids, it is a key factor in maintaining endurance levels.

NAD + Nutrients

NAD+ turns nutrients into energy regulating cellular function. NADH donates high energy electrons to the electron transport chain and is one of the central electron donors that directly supports the mitochondria. and increasing ATP production.


ATP is found in all living things, primarily generated in the mitochondria to support a number of things including our muscle control and nervous system. It is often referred to as “molecular currency” and is a precursor to DNA and RNA assisting in their transformation process.

laboratory testing
nervous system

Third party Science

Beats Conversation



“Mitochondria are key cell organelles in that they are responsible for energy production and control many processes from signalling to cell death.”


“To provide an overall framework on how mitochondria control pain, we explored recent evidence in inflammatory and neuropathic pain conditions… “

Glucose Levels

“Mitochondria-associated membranes (MAM’s) are a hot topic in biological research… Particularly, the relevance of ER-mitochondria miscommunication in the disruption of glucose homeostasis…”

High Blood Pressure

“Mitochondria of microglia are the regulators of innate immune response… MAMs |and| regulate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria communication, in part through its chaperone activity.,, “


Although the main function of mitochondria is energy production, they are also involved in cellular detoxification. “Mitochondria play a fundamental role in the regulation of cell death during accumulation of oxidants.”


Stories Of Hope

Stories of Hope

Testimonies Of Dis-Ease And Things That Kill Us

In summary, when we have the correct complement of nutrition to target cell health on a foundational level, all dependent biological functions will likely undergo an uptick. It’s the old, “the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone” concept on a cellular level.

Our goal at SHARING is to provide a thorough understanding of these processes in the simplest terms. Knowledge is more than power when it comes to the topic of our personal health, it is the key to making good choices and gaining discernment in a world fraught with misrepresentation.

In the end, the only opinion that truly matters is our body’s response to a recommended product. As we like to say, no matter how good a nutritional formulation may be, the body is our greatest miracle.

And if we give the body what it needs, and we do it in time, it will almost always self-correct. So to assist you on your journey of discovery, we have provided stories of those whose body’s said an emphatic yes to our mitochondrial support products.

Simply click on the pictures below to hear their testimonies.


High Blood Pressure Testimony

“My blood pressure was dangerously high,
now it’s normal.”

Roger Pugh – Texas


Opiate Addiction Testimony

“I struggled with a nine-year opiate addiction from medication prescribed for my
injuries from a car accident. After two and a half years of trying everything I was introduced to Restore. I also worked in weeks.”

Josephine Geloso – California


Heart And Kidney Testimony

“My doctor said that I recovered faster from my heart valve and pacemaker surgery
faster than anyone he had ever seen and my kidney function continues to improve.”

William Gray – Oklahoma


PTSD And Memory Loss Testimony

“I was blown up in Iraq by an IED in 2003. I required reconstructive surgery. I came home and for the next 17 years I suffered with PTSD, short-term memory loss, long-term memory loss until the day Randy introduced me to Restore and Rejuvenate.”

Antionette Scott – Washington DC

FDA Disclaimer

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this website is intended for general information purposes only.

It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of disease. Individuals are encouraged to review this information with their doctor and seek their advise.

Testimonial Disclaimer

No one was compensated for giving a testimonial. All testimonials are the opinions of those individuals and may not be the results that everyone gets.

Usage Disclaimer

Individuals that are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, should consult your physician before using this, or any other nutritional product.